How Can SEO Support the Customer Journey?

What Is a Customer Journey? A customer journey refers to the entire journey taken by a customer from initial interaction to purchasing or recommending your product or service. Each point along this journey provides an opportunity to influence them and provides valuable insight into their needs, wants, and expectations.

SEO in the Awareness Stage

As businesses expand and evolve, it is crucial that they understand and meet customers’ needs and desires. A digital marketing strategy built around the customer journey will be more successful in attracting, converting, and engaging with potential customers. Search engine optimization (SEO) plays an integral part of this process and should be used at each touchpoint along the customer journey.

At the awareness stage, SEO will support your business by providing useful information to prospects searching for solutions to their problems. This can be accomplished using keywords relevant to the intent of your target market – for instance “best PBX business phone systems” or “appointment scheduling applications”. For more on how to target the right keywords, check out our guide on SEO.

SEO in the Consideration Stage

At this stage, customers should evaluate their options and choose the most effective solution to address their problems. Content may include videos, case studies, product demonstrations, testimonials, and a mobile-friendly website adhering to Google’s core web vitals. SEO will play a role by optimizing for keywords matching searcher intent; additionally technical bolstering can include keyword-rich meta descriptions, title tags URLs image alt text etc. You can learn more about these on-page SEO practices on our website.

SEO in the Decision Stage

Customers looking to purchase are looking for assurances and confirmation that your product or service meets their individual needs, which SEO can help provide with reviews, guarantee terms, product details, and other tools they require to make an informed decision. To understand how SEO can help boost your Google Business Profile, you can visit our detailed guide.

SEO in the Retention Stage

Once customers have made purchases from your brand, it’s essential that they engage with it to build and sustain loyalty and satisfaction. Here is where SEO comes into its own by creating and distributing useful and relevant content – such as blog articles and videos – designed to nurture relationships and increase retention rates – something many businesses today struggle with. Our guide on link building and local SEO can help you in creating a strong online presence.

SEO will remain an effective strategy in a business’s arsenal to attract, convert and engage customers throughout their buyer journey with you. When used strategically it can truly become one of your company’s greatest tools.

Tailoring Your Strategy with CapeSEO

Are you curious to find out more about how SEO can support the customer journey? Click here and access our complimentary customer journey map template and start!

Lumar brings you this article as part of their expertise in digital marketing services for businesses. They specialize in helping them expand and scale by using SEO, content marketing, and conversion rate optimization as effective digital strategies. Let them hear about your challenges so they can create a digital strategy tailored specifically to you and arrange a free consultation! Contact CapeSEO now for your FREE consultation session!

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